






  • 表达逻辑关系:连接词可以帮助表达观点之间的逻辑关系,如因果关系、对比关系、顺序关系等。通过使用适当的连接词,可以清晰地展示论证的过程,使得读者能够理解每个观点之间的联系和推理。
  • 强调关键观点:连接词可以突出强调关键观点或信息。例如,使用连接词”importantly”或”significantly”可以引起读者对某个重要观点的注意,使其在整个文章中更加突出。
  • 连接段落和句子:连接词在连接段落和句子之间起到桥梁的作用,使文章的结构更加紧凑和连贯。它们能够帮助引导读者从一个观点或段落过渡到下一个,使得文章的内容更加流畅,读者能够更好地跟随作者的思路。
  • 提供转折和对比:连接词可以用于表达转折和对比的关系,使文章更加丰富和有层次感。通过使用适当的连接词,如”however”、”nevertheless”、”on the other hand”等,可以引入相反的观点或证据,从而提供更全面、客观的分析和讨论。
  • 引出例证和支持:连接词可以用于引出例证、支持和解释观点的证据。例如,使用连接词”for example”或 “specifically”可以引出具体的例子,从而更好地支持论点并增强说服力。





1.1 Introducing the topic(引入话题)


1Nowadays(现今)用于引出当前的情况、趋势或问题起读者的兴趣,说明话题的时效性Nowadays, more and more people are relying on smartphones for communication and information access.
2In recent years(近年来)指近年来发生的事情、变化或趋势引出与话题相关的最新发展,提供背景信息In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of mental health in society.
3In today’s society(在今天的社会中)用于描述当代社会的情况、现象或问题引导读者关注当前社会的重要议题,引起思考In today’s society, the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships is a subject of significant concern.
4Over the past decade(过去十年里)描述过去一段时间内的变化、趋势或进展强调时间范围内的发展,为论述提供背景Over the past decade, advancements in technology have revolutionized the way we communicate and access information.
5It is widely recognized that(广泛认为)引出一个被广泛接受或认可的观点或事实强调某个观点的普遍性和重要性It is widely recognized that climate change poses a significant threat to the environment and human well-being.
6It is well known that(众所周知)引出一种被普遍知晓或认可的事实或观点强调某个观点或事实的普及和广泛认知It is well known that regular exercise is beneficial for physical and mental health.
7It is no secret that(毫不秘密)用于引出一个被广泛知晓但不需要保密的事实或观点强调某个观点或事实的显而易见性It is no secret that the global economy is heavily influenced by the decisions of major financial institutions.
8With the advancement of(随着…的发展)用于描述某一领域或领域内的进展或发展为了引出某一发展对论题的重要影响,提供背景信息With the advancement of artificial intelligence technology, automation has become a prominent feature in various industries.
1.2 Stating the problem (陈述问题)
9The issue at hand (正在讨论的问题)用于引出当前正在讨论的问题或情况引起读者的兴趣,明确提出论文的主题或焦点The issue at hand is the rising rates of obesity among children.
10The main concern (主要关注点)用于指出在论文中最重要的问题或关注点强调论文的重要性和关注的焦点The main concern is the ethical implications of genetic engineering.
11The key question (关键问题)用于引出需要解答或探讨的关键问题明确论文的研究目标,引导读者进入论文的主题The key question is how to effectively address income inequality.
1.3 Introducing your thesis (引出论点)
12This essay will argue that (本文将论证)用于明确指出论文将支持的论点或观点提前告知读者要期待的论证方向,引起兴趣This essay will argue that implementing stricter gun control laws can reduce gun violence.
13The purpose of this essay is to (本文旨在)用于明确说明论文的目的或意图阐明论文的研究目标,向读者传达论文的重点The purpose of this essay is to examine the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships.
14This paper aims to demonstrate that (本文旨在证明)用于表明论文的目标是展示或证明一个特定的观点或结论明确提出论文的目的和预期结果This paper aims to demonstrate that renewable energy sources are a viable alternative to fossil fuels.
15The central claim of this essay is that (本文的核心观点是)用于明确提出论文的核心观点或论点强调论文的核心主张,向读者传达论文的中心思想The central claim of this essay is that cultural diversity enhances societal progress.
16It will be argued that (将会论述)用于表明论文将会对某个观点进行论述和证明引出论文的论证结构,提供读者预期的论证方向It will be argued that education plays a crucial role in poverty alleviation.
17The focus of this essay is on (本文的重点是)用于明确指出论文的重点或关注的方面阐明论文的焦点,指导读者理解论文的主题The focus of this essay is on the benefits of exercise for overall health.




1. 表达观点和给出理由


1.1 表达观点 (Expressing viewpoints):
18In my opinion, (在我看来)用于明确陈述个人观点表达个人立场或观点In my opinion, technology has greatly improved our lives by facilitating communication and streamlining tasks.
19I believe that (我相信)用于表达个人信念或看法强调个人观点的坚定性I believe that education is the key to personal and societal development.
20From my perspective, (从我的角度看)用于陈述个人观点或看法明确表达个人角度或观察From my perspective, globalization has both positive and negative impacts on local economies.
1.2 表达观点 (Expressing viewpoints):
21Firstly, (首先)用于列举第一个理由或论据引出第一个支持观点的理由Firstly, regular exercise improves physical health by strengthening the cardiovascular system and increasing endurance.
22Moreover, (此外)用于添加一个额外的理由或论据提供额外的支持或证据Moreover, social media platforms allow individuals to connect with others around the world, fostering cultural exchange and understanding.
23Additionally, (此外)用于引入另一个支持观点的理由提供额外的论证或补充信息Additionally, implementing renewable energy sources reduces greenhouse gas emissions and mitigates the impact of climate change.
24Furthermore, (而且)用于进一步强调观点或提供更多支持性的理由加强论证的连贯性和逻辑性Furthermore, investing in early childhood education has long-term benefits in terms of academic achievement and social development.
25Lastly, (最后)用于列举最后一个理由或总结观点引出最后一个支持观点的理由或进行总结Lastly, access to quality healthcare is essential for promoting overall well-being and reducing healthcare disparities.

2. 表达比较与对比

26Similarly, (类似地)用于比较两个或多个事物、概念或观点的相似之处强调相似性或共同点Similarly, both cats and dogs are popular choices as pets for their companionship.
27Likewise, (同样地)用于指出两个或多个事物、概念或观点之间的相似性表达相同或类似的特征或特点Likewise, both novels explore the theme of love and its complexities.
28In the same way, (以同样的方式)用于表达两个或多个事物、概念或观点之间的相似之处将两者放在同一类别或范畴中进行比较In the same way, both painting and photography are artistic forms of visual expression.
29However, (然而)用于引出与前述事物、概念或观点形成对比的内容表达对比或反驳前述观点However, cats are more independent compared to dogs and require less attention.
30On the other hand, (另一方面)用于引出与前述事物、概念或观点相对立的事物、概念或观点表达对比或对立的观点On the other hand, dogs are known for their loyalty and ability to form strong bonds with their owners.
31In contrast, (相比之下)用于指出前述事物、概念或观点与之形成对比的内容强调差异或相反的特征或特点In contrast, urban areas tend to have a higher cost of living compared to rural areas.
32Whereas, (而)用于引出与前述事物、概念或观点有明显对比的内容表达两个事物之间的差异或相反的特征Whereas some people prefer coffee for its bold flavor, others enjoy tea for its soothing properties.

3. 表达结果与结论

3.1 表达结果 (Expressing results):
33Therefore, (因此)用于引出一个逻辑上的结果或结论表明论证的逻辑推理或总结Therefore, it can be concluded that regular exercise contributes to improved physical fitness.
34Thus, (因此)用于表明由前述观点或论据导致的结果强调前述观点与结论之间的关系Thus, the implementation of stricter gun control laws can help reduce gun-related violence.
35Consequently, (因此)用于表达一个因果关系或结果指出前述因素导致的必然结果Consequently, the decline in funding for public education has had a negative impact on academic performance.
36As a result, (结果)用于指出前述因素或观点导致的具体结果强调因果关系或论证的结果As a result, the company’s profits significantly increased in the last fiscal year.
3.2 表达结论 (Expressing conclusions):
37In conclusion, (总而言之)用于引出整体结论或总结概括论文的主要观点和论证In conclusion, the study supports the hypothesis that environmental factors contribute to the development of certain diseases.
38To sum up, (总结起来)用于对前述观点或论据进行总结强调论文的主要发现或结论To sum up, the research highlights the importance of early childhood education in fostering cognitive and social development.
39Overall, (总体而言)用于概括整个论文的主要内容和结论提供对整体论证的综合评价Overall, the findings suggest that a balanced diet and regular exercise are key factors in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
40In summary, (总结)用于简明扼要地总结前述观点或论据概括论文的要点或主要结论In summary, the research demonstrates a positive correlation between higher education levels and job prospects.

4. 表达时间和顺序

41First, (首先)用于列举第一个事件、步骤或观点引出第一个时间点或论点First, let’s examine the historical context of the Industrial Revolution.
42Next, (接下来)用于引出下一个事件或步骤表明论文中的顺序或流程Next, we will discuss the causes and consequences of climate change.
43Then, (然后)用于表达紧接在前一个事件之后发生的事件强调时间上的先后关系Then, the scientific community began to study the effects of pollution on marine ecosystems.
44Afterward, (随后)用于指出在某个特定时间点之后发生的事件引出紧接在前一个事件之后的事件Afterward, the government implemented new policies to promote renewable energy.
45Finally, (最后)用于引出最后一个事件、步骤或观点标志论文的结尾或总结Finally, we can conclude that the advancements in technology have revolutionized the way we communicate.






